Why Android TV Remote Is Not Working ?

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Using a remote control is one of the most convenient ways to control your Android TV. However, have you ever experienced an issue where your Android TV remote suddenly stops working? This problem can be quite frustrating, especially when you want to change channels, adjust the volume, or navigate through the TV’s menu. The causes of an Android TV remote not working can vary, from simple issues to more technical ones.
This article will discuss the common causes of why your Android TV remote might not be working and provide solutions that you can try to resolve the issue. By understanding the root causes, you can quickly fix the problem and get back to enjoying a seamless viewing experience.

Why Android TV Remote Is Not Working ?

1. Dead or Weak Batteries

The most common reason why an Android TV remote doesn’t work is dead or weak batteries. While this may seem trivial, it’s often the primary cause of a remote suddenly becoming unresponsive.


  • Replace the Batteries: Try replacing the batteries in your remote with new ones. Ensure that you are using batteries with enough charge for optimal remote performance. If your remote uses rechargeable batteries, make sure they are fully charged.

  • Check Battery Placement: Make sure the batteries are placed correctly, matching the positive and negative poles in the remote’s battery compartment.

2. Issues with Infrared or Bluetooth Sensor

Android TVs typically use two types of connections for remotes: infrared (IR) or Bluetooth. If the infrared sensor on the TV or the remote is malfunctioning, or if there’s an issue with the Bluetooth connection, the remote may not work.


  • Check the Infrared Sensor: If your remote uses infrared, ensure there is no obstruction blocking the signal between the remote’s sensor and the TV’s infrared receiver. Clear the area around the sensor so that the signal can be received properly.

  • Check Bluetooth Connection: For Bluetooth remotes, ensure that the remote is properly connected to the Android TV. You can try turning off and on the Bluetooth connection from the TV’s settings menu and attempt to reconnect the remote.

3. Signal Interference or Connectivity Issues

If you’re using an infrared remote, signal interference from other devices, such as LED lights or metal objects, can cause the remote to stop working. Similarly, Bluetooth remotes can experience interference from other devices operating on the same radio frequency.


  • Move Devices Away: Make sure there are no electronic devices obstructing the signal path between the remote and the TV. Keep the remote away from sources of interference, such as LED lights or devices emitting radio frequencies.

  • Remove Interfering Devices: For Bluetooth remotes, ensure there are no other devices causing interference, such as smartphones or speakers that use the same Bluetooth frequency.

4. Unresponsive TV Performance

Sometimes, the problem may not lie with the remote but with the Android TV itself. If the TV is unresponsive or experiencing software glitches, the remote may not function even though the batteries and connection are fine.


  • Restart the TV: Try rebooting your TV by turning it off, unplugging the power cable, and waiting for about 30 seconds before plugging it back in and turning it on. This can help refresh the hardware and software of the TV.

  • Check for System Updates: Ensure that your Android TV is running the latest software. Sometimes, pending system updates can cause compatibility issues with the remote control. Go to Settings > About TV > System Update to check for any available updates.

5. App Conflicts or Settings Issues

At times, third-party apps installed on your Android TV can cause conflicts or interfere with the remote’s functionality. Some apps, such as TV control apps, might affect how the original remote works.


  • Close Background Apps: Ensure that no apps are running in the background that might be interfering with the remote’s signal. You can close the running apps or reset the TV to clear any conflicting apps.

  • Check Remote Settings on TV: Some Android TVs allow you to customize remote settings in the TV’s menu. Make sure that the remote is not disabled or mapped incorrectly.

6. Faulty Remote or TV

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it is possible that there is a hardware problem with either the remote or the TV. A damaged remote or a malfunctioning TV can cause the remote to stop working.


  • Check for Physical Damage: Inspect the remote for any physical damage, such as stuck buttons, leaking batteries, or broken parts. If so, you may need to replace the remote.

  • Repair or Replace the TV or Remote: If the issue persists after checking and replacing the remote or if the TV is unresponsive, consider contacting customer support or a professional technician to further investigate and repair the issue.


An Android TV remote that doesn’t work can be frustrating, but most of these issues can be fixed with a few simple steps. From replacing the batteries and checking infrared or Bluetooth connections to ensuring the TV is functioning correctly, you can easily pinpoint the cause of the problem. If these solutions don’t work, it’s likely there is a hardware issue that requires professional repair. With the right understanding and solutions, you can quickly regain control of your Android TV and enjoy uninterrupted viewing.

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  • Dengan resolusi Full HD 1920x1080p dan kecerahan hingga 500 ANSI lumens, proyektor ini mampu menampilkan gambar yang jernih dan tajam bahkan dalam pencahayaan yang kurang ideal. Proyektor ini mampu menampilkan ukuran gambar maksimum 180 inci (max. rekomendasi 130 inch), sehingga menghemat puluhan juta dibanding beli Large TV. Didukung dengan rasio kontras 2500:1 sehingga setiap adegan film tampil dengan gradasi warna yang kaya dan detail bayangan yang dalam. Sumber cahaya pada  proyektor ini tahan lama yang mampu bersinar terang hingga 20,000 jam.

  • Proyektor Wanbo T2 Ultra dibekali juga dengan teknologi ASA 3.0 yang dapat menyesuaikan warna gambar secara otomatis untuk menghasilkan tampilan yang lebih akurat dan sesuai dengan kondisi pencahayaan ruangan. Ini memastikan bahwa gambar yang diproyeksikan selalu tajam dan jelas serta tidak terdistorsi, tanpa perlu melakukan penyesuaian manual.
    Auto Keystone Correction dan fokus otomatis memberikan kemudahan dalam penyesuaian gambar, sementara proyeksi hingga 120 inci memungkinkan Anda menciptakan pengalaman sinema yang sesungguhnya di rumah.

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  • Wanbo T2 Ultra merupakan seri pertama yang sudah memiliki bracket / gimbal bawaan sehingga sangat bisa untuk ditembak pada bagiab langit2, tanpa perlu tripod lagi. Fitur ini merupakan salah satu fitur unggulan dari Wanbo T2 Ultra dengan kemampuan proyeksi rotasi 120°, dapat disesuaikan secara horizontal 360°, dapat diletakkan di meja samping tempat tidur yang memungkinkan pengguna dengan mudah mengatur sudut proyeksi, baik di dinding maupun di langit-langit, memberikan fleksibilitas maksimum dalam penempatan proyektor.
    Fitur-fitur lainnya pada proyektor ini yaitu terdapat fitur fokus otomatis, koreksi keystone, dan penyelarasan layar, memastikan gambar selalu sempurna tanpa perlu pengaturan manual yang rumit.

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Untuk melihat review lebih lengkap mengenai berbagai macam fitur atau kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh Proyektor Wanbo T2 Ultra, Anda dapat menyimak beberapa penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh para YouTuber pada video di atas..!!

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Kontak Wanbo Official Indonesia

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    Customer Service melayanai pembelian / order Wanbo Proyektor. WhtasApp : 081928828810

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    Link pembelian produk Wanbo Official, Copy & Visit Link : https://linktr.ee/officialwanbo.id

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Muhammad Arief

Article Author, SEO Optimizer & Web Development (m.arief035@gmail.com)
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